Yang, R.H., Mao, W.J., and Chang, X., An efficient seismic modeling in viscoelastic isotropic media,Geophysics,2015 Ouyang, W., Mao, W.J., and Li, X.L., Approximate solution of nonlinear double scattering inversion for true amplitude imaging,Geophysics,2015 Ouyang, W., Mao, W.J., Li, X.L., and Li,W.Q., Seismic inversion with generalized Radon transform based on local second-order approximation of scattered field in acoustic media ,Earthquake Science,2014 唐欢欢,毛伟建,3D高阶抛物Radon变换地震数据保幅重建,地球物理学报,2014 毛伟建,层状粘弹自重半空间的负荷潮汐计算,大地测量与地球动力学进展,2014 Mao, W.J., A new approach for separating mixed model parameters: application to simultaneous inversion of earthquake source parameters,Earthquake Science,2014 Albertin,W., Woodward., Mao, W.J., et al.,Depth imaging examples and methodology in the Gulf of Mexico,The leading Edge, 2001 Reading, A., Gubbins, D. and Mao, W.J., A multiphase seismic investigation of the shallow subduction zone,southern North Island, New Zealand, Geophysical Journal Int., 2001 Reading, A., Mao, W.J. and Gubbins, D, Polarization filtering for automatic picking of seismic data and improved converted phase detection, Geophysical Journal Int., 2001 Du, Z., Foulger G. and Mao, W.J., Noise reduction for broad-band, three-component seismograms using data-adaptive polarization filters, Geophysical Journal Int., 2000 Dufumier H., Du Z., Mao, W.J., and Panza G.F., Regional structure modeling and source inversion for the 1992 Roermond earthquake,J. of seismology, 1997 Mao, W.J. and Stuart, G, Rapid multi-wave-type ray tracing in complex 2-D and 3-D isotropic media, Geophysics, 1997 Mao, W.J. and Stuart, G, Transmission-reflection tomography: Application to reverse VSP data, Geophysics, 1997 Nformi, S.K., Mao, W.J., and Gubbins, D, Seismic source parameters in New Zealand from broad-band data, Geophysical Journal Int., 1996 Mao, W.J. and Gubbins, D, Simultaneous determination of time delays and stacking weights in seismic array beamforming, Geophysics, 1995 Smith, G., Gubbins, D., and Mao, W.J., Fast P-Wave propagation in subducted pacific lithosphere: Refraction from the plate, J. 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